Nurses Rule!!!

Nurses Humor



Leaps tall buildings in a single bound

Is more powerful than a train

Is faster than a speeding bullet

Walks on water

Talks with God


Leaps short buildings in a single bound

Is more powerful than a switch engine

Is faster than a speeding BB

Walks on water, if the sea in calm

Talks with God if a special request is approved

General Practitioner:

Leaps short buildings with a running start and favourable winds

Is almost as powerful as a switch engine

Can fire a speeding bullet

Walks on water in an indoor swimming pool

Is occasionally addressed by God


Barely clears a picket fence

Can sometimes handle a gun without inflicting self-injury

Swims well

Talks with animals


Makes high skid marks on a wall when trying to climb buildings

Is run over by the train

Is not issued ammunation

Doggie paddles

Talks to walls

Medical Student:

Runs into buildings

Wets himself with a water pistol

Cannot stay afloat without floaties

Mumbles to himself

Recognizes a train 2 out of 3 times


Lifts buildings and walks under them

Kicks trains off the track

Catches speeding bullets with her teeth and eats them

Freezes wather with a single glance

The nurse in GOD!!!!


NURSES ROCK!!!!:chuckle

THis Hangs in OUR Med ROom now.... WHere NuRSES always RULE>> !!:D

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