Nurses with A.D.D.

Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in Psych., Management.

I have been in psych. nursing and management for 20 years. I also have A.D.D. Lately, I'm having a little trouble with symptoms interfering with work a bit, and wondered if any other nurses with A.D.D. have any tips or tricks to share. (Increasing my meds is not an option at this time due to resistance-building. I already take 120 m.g. of Adderall each morning.):uhoh3:

Specializes in Trauma,ER,CCU/OHU/Nsg Ed/Nsg Research.

I have to make out lists, and reorganize from time to time. I mark things off the list, so I can go back and chart them later.

Palm pilots can be a lifesaver. Before my Palm went on the blink, I would set reminders, dates, times, etc. I liked my Palm so much, I have just bought a new one. Can't live without it- very, very good for organizing.

I also have to step back every now and then, and go over what is going on with my patients, and think about my plan of care, and the steps that will get me there. Stepping back really helps me to re-prioritize. Otherwise, I will spend too much time in the details, and forget the big picture. And if I don't take breaks, I lose focus big time, because I get tired or frustrated- and this starts the cycle.

I always pick fast-paced areas to work in. That seems to work best for me, and despite the ADD, I am really focused and calm in emergencies. It seems like the adrenaline rush has that kind of effect on me.

I hope this all makes sense- just got home from work, and I'm tired.

theres a really,really long forum that has tips, along with peoples adhd life stories, ideas on its causes, along with your usual flaming posts of "adhd doesn't exist"...just ignore search for'll be the one with the really long page number....

although a does jump around a bit (surprise surprise...its written by ppl with adhd lol)

but its very useful and entertaining and long ( i just jump form page to page till i get bored)

Specializes in ICU, telemetry, LTAC.

I have not been diagnosed with much of anything. This is mainly because I either ignore or work around my problems and concentrate on my daughter's problems. She's autistic. My mother reminded me once that "the apple don't fall far from the tree."

Anyhow I was relieved to find out when I was in psych class, that 20-30 minutes of study time, then a break, was considered to be ideal for retaining info. This info has done me a lot of good in all sorts of tedious tasks. For managing shift work, I went through several versions of "brain" until I made one I liked. I know the assessment part needs to be done soon into the shift. The VS /tele/O2 section needs to be filled out soon too, at least for the first set. Then meds/snacks/blood sugars and pillow fluffing.

(night shift) Basically you have to have a routine down so that when emergencies happen you have some idea of where you were when you are done with the emergency.

When I get to the tedious part of the charting, I limit myself to a half hour at a time. Do some, maybe I get done with one patient's chart including complete chart check etc. then get up and stock things or put dinner in the microwave. Anything to switch gears for a minute. My tech has been known to call me a jackrabbit during this phase. When I have intense patients needing frequent vitals, I seem to get everything done no problem; it's the slow nights that have me forgetting things.

Sometime around midnight I look to see what I'm gonna not want to forget in the AM for each patient and highlight that little thing on my "brain." So at 6 am I can see exactly what I have left to do when I'm most tired. These also are typically things that can be delegated too, so if something comes up and a nurse offers help, I can see at a glance what I need to ask him/her to do for me. At the end of the shift I like to see every spot on my brain has something in it.

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