Nurse for 5 years wants to quit

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Specializes in Emergency Medicine, Critical Care, Research.

Clinical research was fun, particularly Phase 1 research. I was a research nurse. For example, I was on a midazolam study with auto-injectors. I ran the IV, another nurse dosed the patient, and I did q15 - q4h blood draws. I monitored O2 sats & HR, and did ekgs. Very easy job, I worked with the Clinical Research Coordinator & I was the coordinator on some studies myself. Really cool. Doesn't pay as much as acute/inpatient/bedside in my area, but it was not a stressful environment. The medical side was lab techs, pharm techs, Physicians, few nurses (RNs), NPs, and PAs. I did the same job as the coordinators, but nurses had a dual role depending on the study!