Published Aug 14, 2008
108 Posts
I recently applied for a nurse tech position at our local hospital and really excited because I think I may get the postition. But I'm also nervous about my assessment skills. What exactly are you looking for during your initial assessment? I know the basics as far as vitals, appearence etc. but what else should I be looking for and asking the patient?
133 Posts
vitals, skin condition, breath sounds/pattern, heart sounds, cap refill, turgor, LOC, pain...etc.
250 Posts
As a nurse tech you will not be doing assessment as that falls under the scope of practice of an RN. You would be doing basic pt care such as am/pm morning care, vitals etc
Dolce, RN
861 Posts
I have worked in hospitals that hire nursing students as nurse techs. These techs actually take their own patient load and practice under the supervision of the charge nurse. They do their own assessments which the RN signs off on. Personally I think it is great experience prior to graduation as it allows nursing students to see what it would be like to actually work as a nurse. It is the responsibility of the RN to ensure that your assessment is accurate but the techs actually do perform an assessment.
I usually do a body systems assessment because it helps me remember to ask patients the pertinent questions. So, starting out with neuro you can assess their LOC and orientation, speech, hearing, sight, mental status and mood. Moving onto cardiac/resp you will assess heart/lung sounds and ask them about SOB, CP, cough, assess O2 needs, WOB, edema, pulses, etc. GI--assess BT and bowel pattern, abd pain, tenderness. GU--urine color, odor, foley catheter, incontinence, frequency/urgency, etc. Musculoskeletal--ROM, strength, transfers, distance ambulated, assistive devices used. Skin integrity--any areas of breakdown, wounds, bruising, etc.
ok thanks alot. I really want to be superior when it come to assessments. Especially when it comes to heart sounds. I find it hard to hear murmors etc. During clinicals we really didn't get alot of variety.