Nurse’s Concern


So what about the new Deep Nude app that allows men to take any photo of a woman and undress her with a very realistic nude photo of her produced? Sort of Photoshop on steroids! It's got so much traffic that it has crashed a couple of times. 

Imagine in this Mediaographic addicted nation of ours and the creeps we ceaselessly produce, how dangerous this will become as evidenced by the site crashing from too much traffic! 

This is going to spawn a host of down line industries and I blame you women! I know I'm going to get fierce blowback for that statement, but you women elected trump, who put how many judges on lifetime appointments on the bench, incl the Supreme Court, and they will now gut your health rights! The same party that fights you to allow men to have guns to kill your children! 

Now, we will see how much they will fight for you, re your dignity! 

The potential for disaster here re women is exponential! Bad relationship..... Online posting of fake nude photos and..... Let's see how your future pans out! Watch how much women will be enslaved by this and extorted in all manner of ways, Europe will vary likely do something quickly, but here? We'll see? 

White women vote republicans in time and time again, only for them to rape you in all manner of ways! This is a nightmare for women! 

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