Nurse Residencies in Dallas February 2018

Nurses Job Hunt


Hey y'all! I was wondering if anyone else was applying to jobs in the Dallas area for February 2018 start date? What places are y'all applying and have y'all heard back from any of them?

I interviewed for the Acute Medical track on the 20th and haven't heard a thing. I accepted another job at as a backup plan in case other offers don't come through. At first I thought that was unethical, but I've been told by my instructor that it's totally fine to take an offer and back out later as long as you haven't signed a contract. Anyway....I was just thinking that UTSW had gone with other candidates, but I'm seeing that a lot of us haven't heard anything who knows??

Yeah I have heard the same thing about people accepting offers and taking them back, expecially if its something that will be better for your future. I just hope we start hearing something, one way or another hahah

I'm not sure about other tracks, but ED has sent out offers already. When I spoke with Paula at my interview, she said the latest you'll hear back by is next week! So maybe this week or next you guys will hear a response (praying for you guys!)

Also, be gentle if you retract your acceptance! I heard sometimes if you say it incorrectly they'll put you on the do not hire list.

Has anyone heard back from UTSW about Acute Medical track?

For those wondering about UTSW, you will not hear back from them until the end of next week. anyone here interviewed for the critical care track?

I interviewed for acute medical and haven't heard anything yet

Hello I have a video interview for Baylor how was the video interview

It took me about 6 hours to complete. Once you start the interview you get 3 tries to answer the questions but you can't save the recordings so if you choose to re-do a recording the previous one will be deleted so make sure you really want to start over. I write down the questions for my first try and then spent a long time writing out my answers and practicing them before recording a second answer.

Thank you for replying... did you get the job ?

I interviewed for the Neuro ICU and it was not a good fit! I did not like the manager and was not offered the job. I was asked for interviews with other units at Baylor but that was the only Baylor interview I accepted because I've already taken a job in the Parkland ED. If you don't get the first job you interview for the Baylor recruiter will continue to try to find a place for you though which is nice. Everyone was very polite it was just this one nurse manager that I thought was rude so hopefully you'll have better luck! Parkland still has lots of job openings too if you're still looking.

Thank you and I applied for parkland but no one had contacted me

I think depending on what position you're applying for depends on how many tries you get for the video interview. I applied for the ED and only got 3 tries, but my friend applied for med surg and she said she got unlimited tries? Not sure how it works!

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