I am an attorney helping a client of mine. She has a green card and lives in the states, working as a medical assistant. She was educated overseas. She is licensed as a nurse, and then went on to medical school and is licensed as a doctor as well. She attended a four year intensive high school program, that included nursing and secondary school, in one intensive program, no summer break, etc. She has passed Toefl.
CGFNS has refused to recognize her program as a first level general nursing program, instead categorizing it as a LPN program, or second level nurse, despite the fact that the hours in theory and practice exceed a full time US nursing program. We're not even considering her 6 years of medical school plus residency here. Does anyone have any experience with a situation like this? It's pretty silly that she is licensed as a nurse and a doctor in her country, can sit for the USMLE medical exam, but cannot write the NCLEX and become a nurse?
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,