Published Jul 26, 2013
6 Posts
Hello all,
I am a 20 year old living in Southern California. I was hoping to go to nursing school, began the transfer process from my community college to WCU, but everything went to crap when the financial talks began. I was unable to take out a loan with a low interest rate, and I was not about to ruin my life by taking out a loan which would have resulted in me paying almost as much interest as the loan itself.
I turned to the Navy, and was prepared to enlist. I talked to a recruiter online, and she informed me that I may have some options, and she mentioned the NCP. She told me that the schools I would go to were hand picked by the Navy (something like that). I have a few questions regarding this program. I am currently waiting on a call from my local recruiter, but I'd like to be a little more informed as the wait is killing me.
As you can see I am but a lost soul with no purpose, and I just want to start this next step in my life as soon as possible. I want to serve my country, but this lack of information is killing me. Sorry if I sound stupid, but if anyone can answer my questions I'd really appreciate it.
221 Posts
This is all information you could find on Google. You need a minimum of 3.0 GPA to be considered. Degree has to be from a CCNE accredited school. As for the money part, it depends where you go. I'm sure you can look up tuition rates and do the math.
I actually tried Google. That's how I got to this website, and a lot of the information seems vague to me. All I read is that DURING the program you must maintain the 3.0 GPA, I couldn't find anything in regards to prerequisites to join it. Vague response but thanks I guess.
NomadNavyNurse, ASN, RN
48 Posts
Inspiredbynavy already answered your question about where you can get your degree from (CCNE accredited), but I also want to pass on some more information. The program is highly competitive, GPA is critical. You must already have an acceptance letter from a program that will award you with a BSN. Once you have that in hand you can then start talking with an officer recruiter. You can apply once you are finished with your sophomore year of nursing school.
If you have nursing school prerequisites to complete before applying to a program, I would suggest that you use that opportunity to improve your GPA.
Also there are TONS of threads on this website with information about the Nurse Candidate Program, you just gotta dig :)
Good luck!
Ah ok I see. So basically it seems like I'll have to throw away my dreams and enlist
I see that UC Irvine is an option for me, but since I wasn't planning on going there I not seem to have the right transfer credits for a few sections. I can't just dedicate another year to community college like that. Well maybe in the future ill be able to pursue this. As of now it looks like my next stop is boot camp :/
Thank you for your response
Sorry I didn't see your other question about how competitive it is. It was really late when I replied the other night. From what I've heard it is really competitive. I'm actually working on getting into NCP myself. But anyway, there are other ways to get into the nurse corps without enlisting. You just have to do the research and find out how. Direct commissioning is one of the available routes. I don't know much about it though. If I don't get in NCP I plan on going to try to go for direct commission.
If you think about it, you're going to have to go back to school later anyway if you enlist and still want to become a nurse in the Navy.
Also, just an fyi, I'm not from California, but from what I've heard UCs are really competitive to get into.
What is direct commissioning? I'll ask, but I'll be looking it up tomorrow. I know that ill have to go to school either ways, but maybe ill be able to take some classes while on active duty to strengthen my gpa. I have much research to do, and I'm still waiting for a call from my recruiter.
I know that the UC system is pretty competitive, but if I work hard I may be fine.most of the classes I have taken are for transferring into the cal state system, so I'd just have to fill some holes. Eh like I said a lot if research needs to be done. I'm guessing that enlisting is best for me now. Thanks for your response.
midinphx, BSN
854 Posts
I need to offer you some hope.
Enlisting is not the end of your dreams. I enlisted at 18 in the army for 3 years. I got out and used my GI Bill/college fund and got my BSN. After 14 years of nursing, I commissioned in the Air Force. My dreams just took a different path to get here. And I'm glad of that, the experience prepared me for what I do now.
Stay the course, keep taking classes. Joining the navy as enlisted in the medical corp will give you invaluable experience. Continue your education while serving your country. You can make this happen.
42 Posts
If enlisting seems to be such a bummer, please stop considering it. Im in the NCP. My husband retired from the Navy with 20. I can tell you that if enlisting is some sort of ho-hum last resort, you'll never make it through bootcamp. Though I made it into the program, I'd still happy enlist if that's what it came down to...Frankly, I regret not having been an HM first. Time to dig deep here. I feel for ya but your attitude about being enlisted vs officer is concerning.
NCP is highly competitive. No, your grades don't qualify. If you finish a BSN and get about 6 mo to a year experience you can try for a direct commission.
If you take the ASVAB and qualify for HN/HM etc., you'll get a lot of great experience. ..but there is NO guarantee you'll be able to transition to nursing from there... again, it's a competitive process.
I wish you the best.
72 Posts
Don't listen to these people saying if you don't want to enlist don't come in. First of all Ncp doesn't go to boot camp. You go to ods which is where you learn how to put on your uniform. Second you get 34,000 over 2 years.(last 2 years of nursing). I went and did pre reqs at a cc and then did Nebraska med center for 2 years. officer life and enlisted are completely different. I got in with 3.6 GPA no volunteer or extra curricular activities. If your dream is to be a navy nurse buckle down and get school done. If you take out loans so be it. When u commission you are offered 25k loan at 2% to spend however you want.
8 Posts
You can choose any accredited university, I believed you are confused about how the money works though. 34k? No, when you sign on you get a 5,000 bonus and 1,000(both taxable)( stipend a month for every month you are in college until you graduate(you must be within 24 months of graduating when accepted). It is a VERY competitive program. 2.7 is very bad I'm sorry to say. You need a 3.0 just to apply and you have no real shot unless you have a 3.5+. Volunteer and extracurricular are good to have but you can get in without them. Even if you don't get the NCP I wouldn't enlist if I were you. You are one of those people who are doing the Navy thing for the money(completely understandable of course) so enlisted life would be true hell for you. You can try to commission after college or try for ROTC.
@DSchulte: When were you accepted into the NCP? Just out of curiosity and what were you recommendations like(that is my only problem for I don't know many health professionals and I know zero people in the military that I am not related to)?
How many recs do you need? Do they have to be specific people (like docs or military personnel)?
Also, total noob question. I tried pming you but realized I had no idea how. How do you pm people on here?