Nurse assessors

Nurses General Nursing


Is there anyone here anymore that does assessments for lifeplans, ltcg ect? Recently lifeplans sold - part went to ltcg and the other part ended up with a company called Matrix Health. When they first took over it was for the united health ship assessments (for those that do them you will know what I am talking about) and there were tons of assessments sent out for all over my area. It has been months since I have had anything from them and am just wondering if anyone else has been getting assessments from them. I did inquire with them about it and they said there system is set up to send out email referrals based on your location so they must not have any in my area but when lifeplans had these ship assessents I was doing them all the time. I think they are done annually and im sure some are due by now. Any one know more info?

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).
ltcg ect?

I'm sorry, litbitblack, but I 'm not sure I understand the acronyms-

"Larry the Cable Guy Electroconvulsive Therapy?"

Ltcg is the name of the company

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