NURS 4325 Research Start Date 5/20/2013

Nursing Students Texas (UTA)


I am hoping others will join this thread and we will be as successful as in previous classes. Relax with our well earned week off. See you on May 20th.

Specializes in Neuro.

I am just fried at the moment. Really? Should I have to explain that pain is a physiological symptom to a nurse? And that we measure it on a scale of 0-10? Really? And she wants to say there was no physiological measurement in the study. Just sayin'

Specializes in Med.Surg/ Psychiatry.
I am just fried at the moment. Really? Should I have to explain that pain is a physiological symptom to a nurse? And that we measure it on a scale of 0-10? Really? And she wants to say there was no physiological measurement in the study. Just sayin'

I just keep saying to myself...2 more weeks and its over.

No, I was responding to laskydncer, then mentioned my inadequacy, the two were not related

Ughhhh this weeks assignment sucked!!! When will this crap be over?!

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.
Ughhhh this weeks assignment sucked!!! When will this crap be over?!

June 22. I have the date highlighted in purple on my calendar.

one more JC assignment, one quiz and the final apa paper which should just be a little copy and paste...glad to be so close to the end!

There is a light at the end of the tunnel!

My frustration with this class is the group assignments. We only have 4 people in our group, and we all work a different schedule. So, some of us can participate on one day, but not others. Makes it very difficult to get together and do the work. We did great on the first weeks assignment (98), not so great on the second week's (79). I'm curious to how we did this week... Looks like the work load is a little lighter this week, but I guess we will see. I'm totally bummed that I did crappy on the quiz, so the pressure is on to do better this time, and make sure I get the 70% average.

I'm also taking vulnerable populations, and although this class is also a lot of work, it is very straightforward, and a pretty easy "A". I am bummed that Research is going to keep me from my 4.0...

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.

I don't think many groups did well on week 2 from what I hear. Oh well.

At this point, I'll take never having to take this class again over anything else.

That damn quiz stole my A away in the class. That thing was ridiculous. And I have to do really well on the next one. I hate this class. It's so disorganized. The OOH was helpful in week 1, and since then it's take a nose dive. The prof talks about everything under the sun that she wants added to answer the question but then the rubric says something completely different. I just think that a class that needs an OOH every week just to explain the assignment is ridic and there is something seriously wrong!!!!

God these next two weeks better fly by! I can't take this crap anymore. Way to suck the fun out of nursing research UTA!

Does anyone know from previous board posts or other ways if the second quiz is as bad as the first?

Specializes in Neuro.

I do not know, but I just assume it is worse.

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