Published Mar 13, 2014
171 Posts
I'm getting really anxious about taking this exam. I feel like there should be a class for this material instead of having a thick book thrown at me to read all the way through. I'm in postpartum, so most of this doesn't apply to me; it's focused towards L&D nurses. What is the exam like?? How many questions are there?? Any input that would help ease my anxiety level??
NicuGal, MSN, RN
2,743 Posts
We offer a class for our new people but after that we are on our own. Read the book, use the DVD. Make sure you read all the questions carefully, some are worded oddly. Section 3 is a beotch.
Elvish, BSN, DNP, RN, NP
4 Articles; 5,259 Posts
The DVDs definitely help. A lot of it does seem like stuff you won't ever use, but eventually you will get a baby that quits breathing and will need to know what to do. You're not likely to ever intubate, but you might one day be assisting a MD/NP who is, so you will need to know what to anticipate in that case. I know it is intimidating, but it really is worth it. The questions are a lot like nursing school; a lot of the answers will be technically right, but the will be looking for the most right.
jodyangel, RN
687 Posts
Def. Some babies fall apart after getting to postpartum. Read the book...all the answers are there. Good luck! I just recerted!
Thanks, everybody. I guess what I mean when I say we don't really need this in postpartum is that the things I've been reading so far is for babies who have just been born... like within 2 minutes of life.