Published Nov 2, 2005
113 Posts
I just have one question, are there NP's on BMT floors and if so, what kind??
Thanks a lot!
Anyone please???????????
17 Articles; 45,835 Posts
I just have one question, are there NP's on BMT floors and if so, what kind??Thanks a lot!
Hello, stldmbfan,:Melody:
I suppose so. NPs work in a variety of settings. CNS with specialties in oncology, too. Just curious, why do you ask?
Hello, first..... thanks for answering me. Second, I ask because ever since I have been in nursing school I've known I wanted to get my MSN and be a nurse practitioner. I used to think neonatal, but recently we had a rotation on a BMT floor and I REALLY liked it and was very interested in it. But, I did notice I didn't see any NP's on the floor. So I was wondering if that was a floor that did not utilize NP's. I am seriously considering working on this floor shortly after my boards, but I kinda want to work somewhere that I may have a future as a NP after I finish my MSN. It might sound silly, I know, but I was curious. Thanks!
Hello, dmbfan,:balloons:
That is wonderful! You will really enjoy NP as a career choice. I do not know any NPs personally who are working with BMT, but, I am sure there are some out there. Just because they are not on the floor at your facility doesn't mean they don't exist. I know you know that. It is fairly disheartening to think you desire a career in a specialty area and it really doesn't exist for you.
As I said, there are CNS with a specialty in oncology. Actually certify in that field. There are tracks for NPs/CNS as well. Have you checked out any programs?
I might add, that facility where you are interested in working might really desire to hire an NP with an interest in BMT.
Thanks for the info!!!:) The school I am currently at does not have an oncology NP program, but I'm sure some local college around here does. (In St. Louis). I will delve further into the CNS. I never really considered it before but maybe that would be a good profession as well. Ok well thanks again for the info!!!!!!! I appreciate it! :wink2:
29 Posts
I work on a BMT floor and we have APNs in both inpt and outpt. They pretty much run the joint in the outpt clinic. Docs work inpt and do office appts. I think there are 8 or 10 of them, and most majored in acute care. The others were family practice but they had hem/onc experience.
When I attempted grad school, we petitioned and received an elective in Oncology Nursing. I was in the Acute Care NP program with another who was in hem/onc like me, one in radiation oncology, and one in pulmonology. We were all planning to stay in those fields.
My recommendation is to get some experience as a floor nurse in oncology before attempting the APN role so you can be intimately familiar with the emergencies of cord compression, SVC syndrome, hypercalcemia, tumor lysis, SIADH, hemorrhagic cystitis, chemo extravasation ,etc.
Good luck