NP Salaries?

Specialties NP


  1. What is your salary BEFORE taxes?

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23 members have participated

Salary median and average websites, I feel, are pretty deceiving. I'm a student looking at nursing and was wondering if anyone would be willing to share their NP salary?

To all who are willing, is it okay if you could provide the following?

Pay Period: Bi-weekly/weekly etc?

Typical Paycheck in $ (after taxes):

Experience (as an RN/NP or CNA/LPN and the like):


Thanks so much to all who are willing to share such personal information! I greatly appreciate it!

If you don't feel comfortable with posting but are willing to contribute incognito, there is a poll below!

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.
In the Midwest, FNPs are still applying for and filling many psych jobs due to severe shortage of PMHNPs.

Is this acceptable with your BON? In my state FNPs can be sanctioned for practicing outside their scope if they do much more than depression and ADHD.

Specializes in Hospital medicine; NP precepting; staff education.

I clicked my bubble.

In my area the mean for FNPs is 85k. That is what I was offered at one job. I held out because I felt, among other things, I could do better. It was less about the money (and the FQHC status) than it was about support, expectations, and other benefits. I accepted an offer this weekend for a hospitalist position with a built in onboarding system that has my collaborative physician ready and available, an expectation of teaching/confirming of skills I'll require, better compensation for CMEs, and no noncompete. It is 120K.

Not too shabby for this area for a new FNP.

Keep pushing for what you are worth, folks, so we can raise the bar.

If you settle for anything, that's all there will be.

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