Published Jan 29, 2013
6 Posts
Hello, my name is Sandra. I am currently enrolled in a Family Nurse Practitioner Program, and I amneeding to find a Nurse Practitioner or MD who may be willing to precept me formy clinicals starting this fall. I currentlywork in a Surgical ICU in St. Louis, Missouri. I am licensed in Missouri and Illinois. I am also bilingual (English &Spanish).
Thank you,
canchaser, BSN, RN
447 Posts
Have you joined our local NP. organization? Stlouisapn.orgThe site is currently down for repairs but should be back up soon. $20 for a student membership, we are having a dinner meeting4-9-13. This is a way to get preceptors. The preceptors come looking for students to pick up. When do U need one. I've not had a problem getting my 6 preceptors. I'm in my last rotation and have had 2 each time.
Thank you for your response. No I haven't joined the STL APN Association. I will start my first clinical September2013. However, I need to have all theproper documentation submitted 12 weeks in advance before starting clinical. So, June for my first clinical. I wanted to get ahead start. I am actually available for the STL APNmeeting. I would love to go. Again, thank you, so much for the info.
Start 9/2013-11/2013 (144 clinical hours)/Primary Care of Adults Acrossthe Lifespan
Possible Preceptor Choices: FNP, AGNP, family practice MD, internalmedicine MD
Possible Site Choices: Family Practice, Primary Care Clinics, HealthDepartment, Emergent Care Clinics
Start 12/2013-2/2014 (144 clinical hours) Primary Care of Adolescentand Children
Possible Preceptor Choices: FNP, PNP, family practice MD, Pediatrician
Possible Site Choices: Family Practice or Primary CareClinic (with significant child and adolescent practice), Pediatrician's Office,Health Department
Start 3/2014-5/5014(144 clinical hours)/ Primary Care of Women
Possible Preceptor Choices: FNP, AWHNP, Obstetrician/Gynecologist,family practice MD
Possible Site Choices: OB/Gynecological Practice, Family Practice,Primary Care Clinics, Health Department
Start 6/2014-8/2014(144 clinicalhours) Direct Care Roles in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Across the Lifespan
We would be glad to have you come. Also if you are available on 4-27 in the daytime we are having Matgaret Fitzgerald in for the spring symposium. There is an additional fee for the symposium. To join, as a student, it's only $20. So for the dinner meeting it's from 6-8. I will inbox you my phone number so we can talk.
Ok, that sounds great. Thank you so much.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,268 Posts
My husband lives in Alton IL while I live near Peoria. In my current job, we cant have students unfortunately.
However, gotta say go see Margaret Fitzgerald if you can - she is dynamite. She did a pharm review for ISAPN (IL Society of APNs) last year and she was phenomenal!
1 Post
Hi my name is Nadia, and I live in Chicago, Illinois. I am currently seeking a practicum site for my FNP.
I hoping to find someone who is willing to help me fulfill this need
Bumex, DNP, NP
1 Article; 384 Posts
Hi my name is Nadia, and I live in Chicago, Illinois. I am currently seeking a practicum site for my FNP.I hoping to find someone who is willing to help me fulfill this needNadia
Try the free clinics around Chicago. My first rotation was in a free clinic and it was a great experience!