NP or MD Preceptor near St.Louis or Southern IL


Hello, my name is Sandra. I am currently enrolled in a Family Nurse Practitioner Program, and I amneeding to find a Nurse Practitioner or MD who may be willing to precept me formy clinicals starting this fall. I currentlywork in a Surgical ICU in St. Louis, Missouri. I am licensed in Missouri and Illinois. I am also bilingual (English &Spanish).

Thank you,


Specializes in ICU.

Have you joined our local NP. organization? Stlouisapn.orgThe site is currently down for repairs but should be back up soon. $20 for a student membership, we are having a dinner meeting4-9-13. This is a way to get preceptors. The preceptors come looking for students to pick up. When do U need one. I've not had a problem getting my 6 preceptors. I'm in my last rotation and have had 2 each time.

Thank you for your response. No I haven't joined the STL APN Association. I will start my first clinical September2013. However, I need to have all theproper documentation submitted 12 weeks in advance before starting clinical. So, June for my first clinical. I wanted to get ahead start. I am actually available for the STL APNmeeting. I would love to go. Again, thank you, so much for the info.


Start 9/2013-11/2013 (144 clinical hours)/Primary Care of Adults Acrossthe Lifespan

Possible Preceptor Choices: FNP, AGNP, family practice MD, internalmedicine MD

Possible Site Choices: Family Practice, Primary Care Clinics, HealthDepartment, Emergent Care Clinics

Start 12/2013-2/2014 (144 clinical hours) Primary Care of Adolescentand Children

Possible Preceptor Choices: FNP, PNP, family practice MD, Pediatrician

Possible Site Choices: Family Practice or Primary CareClinic (with significant child and adolescent practice), Pediatrician's Office,Health Department

Start 3/2014-5/5014(144 clinical hours)/ Primary Care of Women

Possible Preceptor Choices: FNP, AWHNP, Obstetrician/Gynecologist,family practice MD

Possible Site Choices: OB/Gynecological Practice, Family Practice,Primary Care Clinics, Health Department

Start 6/2014-8/2014(144 clinicalhours) Direct Care Roles in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Across the Lifespan

Possible Preceptor Choices: FNP, AGNP, family practice MD, internalmedicine MD

Possible Site Choices: Family Practice, Primary Care Clinics, HealthDepartment, Emergent Care Clinics

Specializes in ICU.

We would be glad to have you come. Also if you are available on 4-27 in the daytime we are having Matgaret Fitzgerald in for the spring symposium. There is an additional fee for the symposium. To join, as a student, it's only $20. So for the dinner meeting it's from 6-8. I will inbox you my phone number so we can talk.

Ok, that sounds great. Thank you so much.


Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

My husband lives in Alton IL while I live near Peoria. In my current job, we cant have students unfortunately.

However, gotta say go see Margaret Fitzgerald if you can - she is dynamite. She did a pharm review for ISAPN (IL Society of APNs) last year and she was phenomenal!

Hi my name is Nadia, and I live in Chicago, Illinois. I am currently seeking a practicum site for my FNP.

I hoping to find someone who is willing to help me fulfill this need


Specializes in Assistant Professor, Nephrology, Internal Medicine.
Hi my name is Nadia, and I live in Chicago, Illinois. I am currently seeking a practicum site for my FNP.

I hoping to find someone who is willing to help me fulfill this need


Try the free clinics around Chicago. My first rotation was in a free clinic and it was a great experience!

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