Now THAT'S the way to hold a Staff Meeting !


Just got back from our annual biggie... but instead of having it at the clinic and feeling like we were "at work" (especially for those of us on our day off), our NM held it at her house out in the country along a babbling brook, with nothing but trees and cows, forsythia and wild cherry blossoms in full bloom...various sizes of potted terracotta containers with smiling pansies adorning the front porch where the wooden porchswing swayed gently in the warm spring breeze.........

Inside, her dining room table was laden with a spread that would have been fit for royalty... from spinach salad with eggs and fresh mushrooms to various homemade chicken, pimento, and tuna salds to stuff the pita pockets, avacado chips and dip, homemade salsas, her famous baked beans, and of course the mouthwatering local favorite for desert.. her homemade peach cobbler.

So there we all sat in her cozy livingroom, with the gas logs burning in the fireplace, and watching our mandatory videos on their roomsized mega TV screen... we of course did more eating, chatting, and laughing than we did listening or watching. But hey, after seven years of having to watch these silly videos, we know them all by heart.

Was truly a pleasant afternoon. I'm so fortunate to work with such a great bunch of coworkers, and to have a NM who considers us family and can't do enough for us. :) :) :)

Boy, that sounds really nice! It's nice to know that there are some NM who think of ways to make inservices a little more enjoyable. And that goes a long way for employee retention as well. Somebody's thinking. :)

We are fortunate to have a fabulous NM also. We have staff meeting in our dept once a month. It is always a veritable food fest with contributions by most of the staff so we can munch while going over the month's business.

As with jnette, our NM will go to the mat for us (I know this personally, because I have seen her do it on my behalf!) with administration, doctors and other departments. She very seldom has to come down on anyone in our dept, but if she does, it is most certainly deserved. On the other hand, once it has been dealt with, it is water under the bridge and we move along. She has the way she likes things done, but she is open to suggestion, and will freely admit when your ideas are an improvement over what is in place now.

As you may have guessed, I also would rather throw myself on my own scissors than do anything that might disappoint her, and I believe it is the same for the majority of my co-workers. She seems more like the mother of a large unruly family, than a boss, and I feel most fortunate to work for this incredible woman.

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