Nova Southeastern University BSN Entry Level Fall 2017

Nursing Students School Programs


I noticed there wasn't a article for this so I decided to make one. I applied early toward the end of fall semester in December after final grades were posted and got a interview shortly after. I been so nervous for the past couple of days and I finally received the call 9 days after the interview and I still can't believe it. Anyone out there applying for the fall term?

Remember no financial aid no classes.

I turned in all the financial aid forms that came in the nova acceptance package, but I checked online and I am missing a specific form that has to do with loans. So I'm going to make a trip to the financial aid office to discuss and sign all my financial obligations. Do you know if we have to drive to Davie for that or can we just go to the Miami campus? I have sent everything to the main campus so I'm a bit confused with that.

I also received in the mail a package with all the tuition/aid information.

Some of the financial aid stuff needs to be done on like the master promissory note and entrance interview form but once that's completed it should say that everything is turned in for your financial aid documents on sharklink, hope that helps

It actually helped a lot! Thanks and I'll get to that now!

I would think you will need to go to the office where you will be attending.

Unless they changing it for fall 2017.. It should be 4 classes a&p, intro to Baccalaureate nursing, intro to professional nursing and math

Oh okay, well I did see that a math class was added but it only says main campus. I'll just wait till orientation and see what the final schedule says. Thanks!

Oh okay, well I did see that a math class was added but it only says main campus. I'll just wait till orientation and see what the final schedule says. Thanks!

No problem !!

I just got an email about taking a guest to orientation, is anyone taking a guest? i guess it'd be a good idea to take my mom if were gonna be talking about financial related things? does anyone know what orientation is about i don't wanna bring her if its not necessary

In the email it said that we would have the opportunity to meet with our academic advisor, try on lab coats, receive the booklist and schedule, and receive a college of nursing packet with important details. If you can take your mom I think that would be great!

For main campus

they begin by explaining how Nova started. They gave us a presentation about the history of Nova, about how to access SharkLink website, about different activities for students. And stuff you get access to. They presented the Nursing Schedule (passing grade is 75). Ending the morning, the nursing students arrived (Student's Board) and presented their volunteer projects (at the end every student needs to have 10 hours or more of volunteer work before graduation).

During Lunch-break we tried on Lab jackets and scrubs and got the information where to order them. Order early because it takes 2-4 weeks to come

After lunch we returned the 4 pages with the signature (they sent these 4 pages by email).

Then, we met the professors and everyone gave a little speech and welcomed the students.

Then, a Dr.Martin presented the Nursing Program, a review of every course, she answered questions and we ended at 3:15 pm.

they gave us a packet with the booklist for all the semesters and your schedule . You can bring your mom I brought my sister for company. The only time you talk about financial aid is when you go to the one stop shop for ID badges and decals

Hope I help to answer your question.

Awesome thanks for that info! Super helpful!! Do you know if we get our ID at orientation or do we need to schedule to do that at our own time?

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