Not a poop or pee nurse?!?

Nurses General Nursing


Okay, just have to vent a little here. :madface: I was working the other day at a fairly new job (which I like a lot), and I was working with another nurse that I haven't shared very many shifts with. She is probably in her lower to mid 40's and has been an RN for about 1 year. She has always been nice in all the times that I have talked to her which really have been limited as we generally work opposite days of eachother. Anyways, one of my pt's had been incont of urine and BM and needed to be cleaned up, so since she was sitting at the nurse's station, I asked her if she would come help me. When I told her what I needed help with, she informed me that she didn't go to school to be a poop or pee nurse!!!!! HEELLLOOOO???? I am an RN too and if someone is laying in a pile of poo, I'll be changing them!! I couldn't believe she said that!! Evidently, this isn't the only time. One of the LPN's on my shift said she told her the same thing. I am so disgusted because this isn't the impression that I originally had of her. What the he** is wrong with some people!!!!?? I'm not chalking this one up as "she was just having a bad day" - I think this is actually her opinion. Please tell me this is not the attitude they're teaching in nursing school - I know it was not what I was taught. :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire


Well, I am not a paperwork nurse. I hate paperwork!

I'd choose cleaning up BM over doing some meaningless paperwork- any day!

I am not asking you to clean it. I am asking to help me turn and hold the pt so I can clean it.

I think part of any RN job description should incude : "willing to take care of all bodily needs coming out of any orifice described in Anatomy and Physiology Class"

I think a manager might be pretty interested in the UNwillingness to assist with bodily needs. If she isn't willing to help with your patients you can bet she isn't helping any of HER patients either.


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