Not being considered because of a C- in English...


Hey guys,

So I was wondering why I hadn't received any general emails from a nursing school I applied to regarding decision dates... and it turns out that I am not being considered because of a C- I made my freshman year in English Composition II. I received a response back from the school saying that "candidates need a C or better in the class". Just needed to vent but also wondering if there's really anything I can/should do about it in terms of reaching out to the school. My GPA is good, TEAS score is good, but just a little disappointed that this little thing set me back. I am a lot more capable than the C- I made in that class :(

I would recommend retaking the English class for a higher grade if the school you are applying to allows retakes. Good luck!

I'm somewhat in the same boat as you, except it's my overall GPA that's off by just a tad and it's what's holding me back it seems. Just know you're not alone, but I would also look in to seeing if you can retake the class or there's another English class you can take to replace it maybe? Good luck ❤

Specializes in CVICU, ER, Education.

I would definitely retake English to better your grade. I know its not fun having having to pay and retake another class, but if thats the only reason the schools have not accepted your applications then I would retake it as soon as possible. Best of luck ??

If this is a nursing school that you want to get into (and you don't get into your other options), then I'd definitely retake the English course.

It may be that the school itself requires you make a C in order to consider a class as satisfying a General Education requirement. I know at my first university, if you made a C-, you couldn't use that course to check off a Gen Ed requirement. You either had to retake it or use another course for it.

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