Northern California Nurses - Is it better to get a BS or an AS?


  1. Is it better to get a BS or an AS in the Bay Area?

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Hi all!

I am stuck between two roads, and I have heard many different views. Some argue that it is better to get an AS since the pay is the same and I can later on get a BS online. Others argue that it is better to get a BS since hospitals are implementing a policy of only hiring new grads with a BS (I am really interested in getting into a hospital).

Can anybody clarify or give some insight as to how I can find this out more accurate information?


K from the Bay Area

BSN, no contest ...and you'll still be very lucky if you find a job as a new grad.

Specializes in Med Surg/ICU/Psych/Emergency/CEN/retired.

Get a BSN. The tide may turn, but it is still difficult, although not impossible, for new grads almost everywhere to find employment. The SF bay area is one of the most difficult places. Think about long term planning; a BSN is the way to go.

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