No Time Off For The Rest Of The Year, Help

Dear Nurse Beth Advice Column - The following letter submitted anonymously in search for answers. Join the conversation!

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Dear Nurse Beth,

I am sure I am not alone. It is May and there is no PTO time available to be taken for the rest of the year, due to short staffing. I have asked for 3 different Fri-Mon weekends (we are closed on weekend so I need a Fri n mon off) off in the fall and have been denied each time. I work part time so I am not asking for PTO just days off. How can I negotiate this with manager as my scheduler cannot help me. I feel they have 5 months to help me!

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Specializes in Tele, ICU, Staff Development.

Dear Not Alone,

And they wonder why we are short nurses! Saying there is absolutely no time off for the rest of the year is extreme. Then they end up with nurses on medical leave because they literally get sick and stressed. 

It sounds very inflexible but then I don't know your work agreement. Were you hired with the agreement that you basically will never get Fridays and Mondays off? 

If not, what exactly is the process for requesting time off? Definitely meet with your manager to be clear. Seniority? How long have you been there? Asking ahead of time (which you are doing)? What's the policy?

(You are not asking for PTO but know some organizations do not grant time off unless it is covered by PTO. Do you get pro-rated PTO?)

Try to approach it as changing your schedule instead of asking for days off.

Is there another part-time colleague who is typically off on Fridays and Mondays you can trade with?

You are smart to use the word negotiate. Can you offer to work any extra days to help them out in exchange for the long weekend? For example, if you usually work Thursdays and Fridays one week can you instead offer to work Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday?  In this way you are giving them something. 

Have a friendly, problem-solving meeting with your manager. You are not going to get anything but frustration from your scheduler, and she probably does not have the authority to make this happen.

Best wishes,

Nurse Beth