Published Jul 16, 2011
18 Posts
Hey guys,
I just took my neclex last week and haven't yet started applying for jobs because I wanna make sure i have a really good resume. The problem is that I don't have any experience. I've only had 2 jobs my whole life, one when I was 17, in an ice cream store at the airport, which i stayed in for 1 year, and the other one in a clothing store when I was 19, which I completely hated and quit after a couple of months. Soon after that, I started nursing school and haven't worked ever since. (By the way, I am 22). So I was thinking: What the H am I going to put on my resume?? How to make it attractive for prosopective employers? I've looked at some sites that have free nursing resume templates but most of them go too much in to details about previous jobs, skiils, career goals, etc. Please help me if you have any ideas, suggestions, sample resumes, or if you are or have been in the same situation. One last question: I know that there are a few nursing schools that dont' offer clinicas. Should I include my clinical experice while in school or it doesn't even count?
Thank you
25 Posts
I was in the same position as you when I came out of nursing school! As a new graduate, it is difficult to start your resume from scratch, but fortunately you CAN put your clinical experience. My resume has all the clinical experience that I had as well as any of my non-nursing work experience. I actually found plenty of online resources that helped me put together my resume quite nicely. I know this is a Canadian reference (I'm assuming you are not Canadian because you took the NCLEX), but I think you may find it helpful.
Let me know how that goes! Good luck job hunting! lesliel :)
53 Posts
You can put a section with your clinical experiences. I did this and tailored the clinical experiences I put on there to whatever job/area I was applying for (example: I put my psych rotations on there for a psych job). If you had any externships/internships, put that on there. Also include a section on volunteer experiences. I volunteered at the county health department, for example, so that looked good on there. Also include a section on any special training/skills you have, such as nursing-related training you underwent, BLS, languages, software, etc. This is generally a short section at the end of the resume. I call mine "Special Skills" or something along that line. For the two jobs you've had, emphasize tasks that you did that can relate to nursing, such as people skills. Good luck!
7 Posts
Include your clinical experience. I was in a similar position to you in that I had worked, but never in a healthcare type position. Put the jobs that you have had as well as your clinicals. List the hospital that it was at, put a few bullets under each one describing what you did that might relate to jobs you are applying for, and also consider listing computer charting systems you have used. Also, if you have any experience, especially leadership experience, in clubs or organizations list that too.
That's what I did and ended up landing a few interviews and a job that starts Monday :)
Thank you guys!!!!
13 Posts
I was in the same shoes like you. The difference is I have no working history of whatsoever. I am from another country. Finished high school at 17, directly went to get my Bachelor in languages. At 19, got my visa and right away started on my prerequisites which took 2 years and then 2 more years of nursing. Here I am a 23 y.o. who never had a job before, yet managed to find my first job in my whole life as a new RN. Just put your clinical experience. Also, I included clinical hours and type of unit. Good luck!!!!
51 Posts
Don't put your standard clinical experience on the resume. Everyone in your state has the same requirements so every hospital knows what you did in school. Writing down: Intro to nursing-took vitals signs and gave bed baths isn't going to help you. Having no experience with a 2 page resume doesn't look good either which is what you will have if you include all that information. You need to list your preceptorships (cap stone) or externships, the department, hospital and what you did there. Then apply to positions where this experience will relate. List your other jobs also and focus on the customer service experience you have because that is what many hospitals are getting rembursed based on. The information i'm giving you will give you the best chance of landing a position instead of using a bad format and applying to hundreds of jobs and wondering why your not getting call backs, good luck.
again thank you all!!!
@lesliel: that's a really good article
@charlietaco: your post was very helpful, tks! like you said i didnt include all of my clinical experience, just med-surg. under clinical experience i wrote:
*wyz hospital_med-surg/critical care(spring 2011)
what do you guys think?
i also included skills ans special skills.. not sure if its ok or too repetitive.
20 Posts
I would definitely use that clinical experience! On mine I listed things like performing assessments, medication administration, providing quality patient care, etc. You get the point. And from your previous jobs you have customer service skills which is a big part of nursing. It's not so much about what you have to say, it's how you say it. Good luck!