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Anybody here who took the Pearsons Vue NMC exam? How was it? TY!

Specializes in ER.
Aaw. I also thought that we would be together in one trust. When will be your deployment?

Haven't asked them yet. But they're already having me submit documents for the CoS application. Apparently it's only applied every 5th of the month so I'm up for March. Then the visa application. I heard people get denied for those still. So I'm kinda worried about that, nothing is still assured. What about you? Are you going to be deployed soon?

Haven't asked them yet. But they're already having me submit documents for the CoS application. Apparently it's only applied every 5th of the month so I'm up for March. Then the visa application. I heard people get denied for those still. So I'm kinda worried about that, nothing is still assured. What about you? Are you going to be deployed soon?

Why did those people get denied? The visa approval for Tier 2 (shortage occupation list) is point-based, right? In my opinion, there's only a slim chance to get denied as long as you meet the specified requirements.

I tried to download the form for the visa application and you will see how many points is the equivalent of 1 requirement, like if you meet the desired IELTS score that's 10 points (just an example), or having an A-rated sponsor, 15 points, etc.,

Specializes in ER.


Why did those people get denied? The visa approval for Tier 2 (shortage occupation list) is point-based, right? In my opinion, there's only a slim chance to get denied as long as you meet the specified requirements.

I tried to download the form for the visa application and you will see how many points is the equivalent of 1 requirement, like if you meet the desired IELTS score that's 10 points (just an example), or having an A-rated sponsor, 15 points, etc.,

I agree. That's what i was thinking too. But as asked my agency (the ones based in the uk) and they said that they have had some applicants get denied but they had them re-apply again and they got issued visas after that. I didn't have them elaborate further on the reasons why one would be denied a visa. I'm thinking it may have to do with erroneous information when filling up the application form, incompleted data/docs and the likes if they were eventually given visas after the second application.

Oh, that's horrible! I found this on the net Thousands of Foreign nurses denied Tier 2 Visas say UK hospitals | Workpermit.com

But it discusses more about COS applications getting rejected last 2016. If it's because of those wrong info, we just have to be meticulous and ridicule our application ourselves before submitting it, just like what we did with those barcoded forms.

Haven't asked them yet. But they're already having me submit documents for the CoS application. Apparently it's only applied every 5th of the month so I'm up for March. Then the visa application. I heard people get denied for those still. So I'm kinda worried about that, nothing is still assured. What about you? Are you going to be deployed soon?

Im still in the process of applying my visa. Hopefully everything will be okay. Im quite shocked because we already got our cos and we have our est. day of deployment. Waaa. Im kind of worried about the thing you said, that there is a posssibility of denying visa application. Waaa

Specializes in ER.
Im still in the process of applying my visa. Hopefully everything will be okay. Im quite shocked because we already got our cos and we have our est. day of deployment. Waaa. Im kind of worried about the thing you said, that there is a posssibility of denying visa application. Waaa

I know right. After everything we've already gone through; ielts, cbt, the assessment wait and now the possibilty of not getting a visa after that. Talk about putting you through the ringer. But let's not worry about it too much. If it were a frequent occurence we'd see other guys on this forum talk about their visa troubles.

Please keep in touch and let us know how your application for your visa goes. I hope everything goes well for everyone.

ive been in the philippines since december and was waiting for that decision letter i was hoping ill be deployed as soon as i get my DL but the agent told me that we may need to rush everything if i insist on february deployment and i would still want to enjoy my stay here so im fine with march deployment. which agency in uk are u under with? they'll probably schedule you for the iom and medical exam. just wait for them to contact you. and ask them for all the outstanding documents for the hospital.

Okay so you got your DL on Feb 1, right and in just one month you'll be deployed, wow. I have a lot of questions, but I don't want to bother you haha I guess I have to wait for the ipams staff to get back to me on Monday. Cheers!!
I know right. After everything we've already gone through; ielts, cbt, the assessment wait and now the possibilty of not getting a visa after that. Talk about putting you through the ringer. But let's not worry about it too much. If it were a frequent occurence we'd see other guys on this forum talk about their visa troubles.

Please keep in touch and let us know how your application for your visa goes. I hope everything goes well for everyone.

That is so true! All of these painstaking process we've been through then ta-da! No visa at all. God forbid! Let's think positive! I will update you guys!

hi guys! so i received a feedback from my assessor last Feb 3 regarding my Reference form 1 for re-submission and a letter from my registrations authority. I mailed both to NMC and they were tagged as received on the 16th of Feb and I emailed my assessor directly to follow up but she is not responding. I've been emailing and calling her for updates even before they received my document but I couldn't get a hold of her and she doesn't respond to my queries.

what should i do? been waiting for my DL for 45 working days now as I joined the assessment queue on the 15th of December. :(

So sorry to hear that raffvilla but why where you asked to get a letter from your registration authority? Thanks

So sorry to hear that raffvilla but why where you asked to get a letter from your registration authority? Thanks

They are questioning my UAE registration as to why I have an MOH registration and not DHA (dubai health authority) when I am employed in Dubai. The thing is there are 3 types of registrations here in Dubai but the majority is the DHA which they normally receive from applicants coming from Dubai. Mine is from MOH (Ministry of Health). So my assessor asked me to provide a letter coming from MOH (which they will never provide me) that I am registered to them and allowed to work in Dubai. It actually doesnt make sense to me because I am a UAE registered nurse without restriction to practice. What I did is I just mailed them an original certification from my employer that I am a registered nurse of MOH and working in Dubai. I even scanned it and emailed to my assessor to ask whether it will be accepted or not but I did not get any reply from her.

Hi guys, I know this might seem like a selfish request, but can the ones who were asked to resubmit documents by the NMC say why they were asked to? I know that sometimes the reason might be embarassing, but I just hope that the knowledge you share will help future appliers....

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