Published Aug 2, 2007
2 Posts
Has anyone here taken the NLN-PN Entrance Exam?
If you have please answer this question for me. I've recently purchased a book called NLN-PN Review Guide. The vocabulary words that are in this book is pretty new to me. Will these be the words that are on the NLN-PN Entrance Exam as well? If not whats the best way to learn the vocabulary:uhoh3:
31 Posts
have you taken the exam? if so, what does it all include? i am taking it this coming summer and could use the heads up! thanks so much!!! =)
111 Posts
Honestly, I didn't study vocab but I only had about 2 wks to review so I focused more on math and science. you really don't know what will be on there but if you are good at context clues, etc... you should do fine. Otherwise, study the words in there and read, read, read! If you find a word you don't know, look it up. hth