Published Jan 13, 2011
3 Posts
Can any of you tell me how hard the exam was and what is covered? I would appreciate any tips, etc you have to offer! I am scheduled to take the exam on March 11 and I want to make sure that I am prepared. The nursing school I am trying to get into requires a score of at least 100. I am so nervous!!!
535 Posts
Get some type of study guide and go over it thoroughly. You can search here for previous discussions on PAX, HESI, TEAS, and other nursing pre-admission exams. There used to be a free download of the McGraw Hill book Teas test prep - Page 14- Nursing for Nurses Any good study guides for the teas? - Nursing for Nurses
Board policy prohibits posting specific exam questions. But in the math, there were are lot of rations and proportions, over and over. If you didn't know how to do it the first time, you're not going to know how to do it the next 20 times the same type of question comes up. Calculations are pencil and paper.
chicagoing, ADN, RN
489 Posts
Try to review some basic physics. And remember to work quickly; "mark" the questions that you can't answer right away and come back to them. It's better to guess on one question that you're stuck on than to dwell on it for minutes and miss the last 10 questions (in any one section).