Nightingale Pledge and Nursing hats at pinning ceremony....

Nursing Students Male Students


Any of you fella's face this dilemma,

We have our pinning ceremony in 5 weeks and the girls in class decided that they wanted to wear nurse caps and white's. So us fella (thank god don't have hats) will stand out a little more than usual, I thought that standardization would be best (no hats) and those hats are so......1960.

Second is the pledge, there is a LPN pledge (we aren't using) and the Nightingale pledge that we are using. What sticks in my claw is that it's written with the old female stereotypes built in...."I pledge to live my life in purity"......"endeavor to aid the physician in his work". And we wonder why this is thought of as womens work, even the pledge is geared toward women, I don't know too many people living their lives in purity these days and women aren't doctors now?

I know petty BS, but it's bad enough joining the girls club without having to take a girlie pledge :D I like the LPN pledge better as it is gender neutral and reflects the current work/world environment a little better, but that's just the fella in my talking.:lol2:


p.s. Girls who read this, yes I know nursing is mostly women, yes the girls want their caps, yes I'll be at the pinning ceremony and no, I won't spoil the ladies enjoyment by complaining about their caps.....even though no one wears them anymore and by wearing them they are excluding the boys from part of the ceremony....are they not?

This is interesting enough to do a term paper on.

The first Nurses in the USA were all man in north jersey city called Elizabeth , NJ It was a catholic hospital. They might of worn robes with hoods on them?

Here in our school we had a pin and a medicne logo so pretty much not the same with our usual uniform.

If you check out the early traditions, say decades ago- men wore chevrons or stripes on their sleeves of their scrubs to show that they were nurses instead of wearing caps back when females wore them. Maybe you can do that since you are probably not going to wear your whites after you graduate anyway. We are guys in a female dominated profession- you might as well stand out with the identification on your sleeve.

That is what I would do. It would look like a military scrub-type of thing. Kind of cool. Hope this helps.

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