Published Oct 11, 2013
127 Posts
I happen to like the nt shift. Im used to it, I know the people, and most of all..,, I am home JUST in case my kindergartner needs me.
A day pedi position opened (extemely rare opportunity) and they want me to fill it. I am 25 wk prego and I am considering switching since I will soon have a newborn.
How do you nt shift nurses do it w a newborn? Do u sleep? Do u hire a sitter? I have a very hands on hubby who isnt thrilled about me staying on nts, but i would like to make it work,.., is it possible? Advice? Suggestions?
467 Posts
I stayed on nights with a newborn. While he was very young and slept a lot, I just slept when he slept, plus I was nursing him so we just laid in bed together while he nursed.
As he got older and was awake more during the day, I had him at an in-home daycare a few blocks away for 5 hours so I could sleep. I figured if I worked days, he would be in daycare many more hours than if I was on nights.
For us, it worked out great. Hubby was at home at night and I worked 3 12's a week. So really, he was only in daycare about 15 hours a week.
Thanks. Hope it works for me too.