Nigerian student nurse, hope to be CRNA

World International


Hello everyone,

I am actually new here and am so happy I finally found a Nigerian page for nurses. I got admission to do my BSC. in Nursing at Ambrose Alli university Edo State, currently about to complete my first year. My dream is to be a CRNA by the Lord's grace and I need a mentor. Please I need advice on the aspect of nursing I should study for my BSC., the steps to take next after my BSC to become a CRNA and the school I should apply for (am hoping to do that outside Nigeria tho). I would really appreciate if someone put me through. Thank you.


I read your post and felt I needed to comment. I'm currently a Nursing student at a University in the US too. I plan to pursue Nurse Anaesthetic sometime in my career but the road map is unlike other specialization. With CRNA you will need a BSN and take the NCLEX exam to be certified. You will also need at least two years experience working either in Trauma or ICU unit depending on what the school requirements are. Most schools would require not just post Anaesthetic care but general.

I don't know the requirements to be a crna outside the US but here in the US some school would request a GRE score, GPA, personal statement, recommendation from specialist inbyour specified role in the ICU,

Not all schools require GRE though. I think every dream is realizable. First step is becoming a nurse and the rest comes with the experience you gather. Thank you

Hi, am a registered nurse in Nigeria, I'm preparing to take the NCLEX exam please where in Nigeria can I get a copy of the Saunders comprehensive Review NCLEX-RN

I'm very happy I have found this thread! I just thought it would be interesting to find other Nigerians to network with who also have the passion to be a CRNA. Just trying to find some info on the CRNA Programs and courses. I'm just a new grad (BSN) hoping to one day become a CRNA.

What's the requirements for a CRNA in Nigeria to work in the USA

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