NICU versus ICU


Hi, I am searching for a job and at one particular facility they have an opening in the NICU and an opening in the ICU. I completed most of my clinical rotation in the ICU, but what are some of the major differenced of working on a NICU floor versus an adult ICU floor? Anyone ever worked in both areas? Thanks!

Hi, I am searching for a job and at one particular facility they have an opening in the NICU and an opening in the ICU. I completed most of my clinical rotation in the ICU, but what are some of the major differenced of working on a NICU floor versus an adult ICU floor? Anyone ever worked in both areas? Thanks!

depending on the hosp and the unit it can be a lot. where I work the neuro does not take any other type of pt's other than neuro-they do not take overflow. So they take things like subdural hematoma's, subarach bleed, strokes of all kinds, people needing shunts or shunt revisions, tetorifice, aneurysms with and without surg like coiling, etc. most of their pt's are not intubated, and are fairly stable from a cardiovasc standpoint (usual sinus rhythm, etc). they will give some vasopressors to keep a high minimum blood pressure. They do invasive monitoring through the skull, etc. It is very focused here. they also rarely have arterial lines and extremely rare to have PA catheters. Here they also recover many involved back surgeries the first night. Oh, and also tumor tx/resection, etc.

so if you have seen ICU then you can see how this might be different. You can always go and talk to the nurses over there, or speak with their nurse manager about normal pt population.

Specializes in Critical Care, Education.

Hmm - from the reference to "adult ICU" by the OP, it appears that NICU is meant as Neonatal ICU, not Neuro ICU.

I have worked in Neo ICU & all kinds of adult ICUs.... based on my own experience, Neo was much more difficult for me due to the seemingly continuous ethical issues. Clinical practices weren't that different... just much more tiny for everything. I gratefully returned to working with 'big people' after only 6 months. I had small children at the time, and couldn't achieve the interpersonal distance from patients & their families that I needed to maintain balance and effectiveness as a nurse. But, your mileage may vary.

Thank you. Yes, I was talking about neonatal ICU versus adult ICU. Thank you for the help in understanding how they are different.

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