Published Apr 25, 2006
113 Posts
I was asked by our director to reach out to all NH nursing schools so we may get together at the yearly SNA conference. Next year it is in Anaheim, CA. I was wondering what other schools thought of this. We did meet up this year with St. A's and St. Joseph's programs for a pizza night. What do you guys think? Looking forward to hearing from you.
P.S. No need for niceness on this guys...Honest answers only
After posting this question in another forum I got a couple of positive replies. I was wondering what all student nurses in NH think? Please pass this question on to other students who do not use this forum.
Some topics to consider:
Nursewannanbe would like us to get together so we could all help new schools start up nursing clubs at thier school.
Learn new or past trends in nursing?
Any and ALL advice is welcome. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!! :balloons:
51 Posts
Hi lna2rn. I am new to the board but figured I'd jump right in with both feet. I am currently a BSN studying for my MSN in education through an online program. I am learning much about the need for grassroots type organization and the need to promote nursing as a profession. Nurses are so frequently taken for granted and may not even recognize the power that they hold when they voice their opinions in number.
I like your idea of starting with nurses clubs in the academic setting. This is where the seeds of empowerment in the profession beging. It is something not necessarily taught in the classroom.
The passage of safe patient staffing and safe patient handling legislation in various states is proof that we have power when we choose to apply it.
I am currently a member of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association and was considering joining the NH state nurses association. I was saddened when I went to their website as it does not appear to be well tended to, lots of outdated information, signaled me that it is not a particularly active chapter of the ANA. Perhaps from the school clubs we can foster a more active participation in local nursing politics....after all it is our future we are influencing.
kukukajoo, LPN
1,310 Posts
I would love to get together!! I am currently on the fence as to what college I will continue at this year but if I stay at NHCTC-Laconia my goal is to begin a SNA chapter there as currently there isn't one. Any help would be appreciated!
I am on the fence about wether to continue at NHCTC-Laconia or transfer to Rivier now. I have been accepted at both and both have advantages that I am having a hard time weighing so it may be a last minute thing.
Where ever you are in NH keep me updated. It would be great to keep in contact and maybe we could visit each other's nursing club meetings or if you do not have a club where you attend you could visit us to see how ours works. I look forward to hearing from you!