Published Oct 8, 2005
2 Posts
Hey ya'll, great postings! I've been an Lpn for 8 years, currently working as Parish Nurse at my church. Have hospital & clinic experience. What do ya'll think about having non-medical people as "boss", such as the "office manager" of a clinic telling you how to be a nurse? In my opinion, our supervisors should be other nurses or physicians, not non-medical personnel. Whatcha think? Can't wait to read replies.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,745 Posts
Good question. I think if you are in an environment where there is no nurse manager or md to supervise, then it's the nurse practice act that guides you into how to be a nurse.
Good luck and Welcome!
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
[color=gray]welcome aboard. good luck.:balloons:
81 Posts
WELCOME!!! This is a wonderful website to gain insight on issues or just vent. I agree with you on the issue. I would feel alot better getting direction and policy from someone who "has the knowledge and experience of nursing" than an outsider. :)