New york presbyterian pediatric pharm exam

U.S.A. New York


Hi all,

I am going to be taking the pre- employment pediatric pharmacology exam this week. I am very nervous since this will be my second and last chance. I only failed by 1 question last time.

Has anyone taken this a second time recently? Is it the same questions or based on the same topics? Any advice anyone has would be helpful. Thank you.


Hi Esc.

I was wondering if you could help me. I am going to be taking the pediatric exam and I'm very nervous about it. I saw that you mentioned a practice test and I keep going on the NLN website and I cannot seem to find it. When I talked with nurse recruitment they said there is no such practice test. I was wondering if you could help guide me to the exam.


Any advice on what to study. Ive been using that Huge book they recommend.


Hi esc_newnurse! How do you like the PICU? I was wondering if you could send me a study guide or material that you found helpful in passing the peds pharm exam? I would be extremely grateful!

[email protected]

Hi @esc_newnurse, I know it has been awhile since you took your pharm exam, but I was hoping you might have some advice? I was given the study guide, however I used a drug book to fill it out, and when I compare that info to info found online, some of it differs. I'm not sure which source to trust, and I am wondering if the test makes it pretty easy to find the right answer? Thank you, and any insight into this exam would be greatly appreciated!

Hi esc_newnurse

I am about to take the PICU pharm exam can you please help me and guide me as I am overwhelmed with the study guide and the study guide is not for PICU

Please help

Hi rnsvcmc, I too was recently hired for the PICU. I think even though we will be in the PICU, we take the basic pediatric pharm exam, because that is the study guide they gave us. When do you take your test?

I also used a drug book to fill out all of the info, and I would definitely recommend doing that or using the internet to find everything. Good luck!!!

Hi nurselaur1

i am taking the exam on the 20th which drug book are you using for practice I am a emergency room nurse I have never done PICU.

thank you for responding

i appreciate it


Hi Anna, I used the Davis Drug Guide for Nurses. From what people have been saying I think it will be easier than we are expecting. It's hard not knowing what to expect!

Hi Nurselaur1

i hope it's an easy exam but I am very nervous at the same time. I have had a few coworkers who work at NYP have different feedback nothing that has consoled me.

when are you taking your exam?


What have they said? I take my exam Tuesday and am very nervous. I am hoping it is easy to eliminate answers, leading to the correct response. I guess we will find out soon! But I would love hearing the feedback your friends said, as I haven't heard anything.

One of my co workers told me that the PICU exam is very hard also it's not just one exam we have to take the pharmacology then the BKAT and cardiac dysrhythmia exam too

Good luck on your exam today nurselaur1

Hi nurselaur1

how was the pharm exam??

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