New York City Unit Secretaries/Coordinators

U.S.A. New York



I have been searching New York City hospital websites for unit secretary jobs and I've been having no luck! I'm wondering if I'm calling it the right thing- In Wisconsin they call them "unit coordinators," "health unit coordinators," "unit secretaries." I think some hospitals in Boston call them "operations associates.") They are the people who take off (transcribe) doctors' orders and nursing orders on the units. They answer the telephones, page doctors and nurses. They do the paper (or computer) work when the unit gets admissions and discharges. They are usually sitting behind the front desks of nursing units.

Could you tell me the title for this profession in New York City? Are there any hospitals in New York City seeking people for these positions?

Thank you very much.


You may want to try- Physician office assistants; Medical Secretaries; or Unit assistants. You may also want to apply at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, NYPH Cornell presby. hosp. They should have positions available.

Thank you for the reply! Does anyone know on average what their hourly salaries are? Can a unit clerk actually make a comfortable living in New York?

The average salary is around $35,000 (MSKCC) and i think that NYPH is (31,000)

My hospital calls them "clerical assistants" and "clerical associates". Good luck!!!!!

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