New student and Nervous

Nursing Students General Students


So I start Nursing school in the fall and I am getting really nervous about the course work that will be ahead of me and whether I will be able to recall information from past classes. I recieved A's in all prerequistes classes, but I took anatomy and physiology I 3 years ago and feel that alot of that information that I learned is lost. As for A and P II, I took it last fall and that information is fresh in my head and I have no worries about that part. I am just really nervous about not remembering alot of information (the pathways of a nerve impulse and parts of the brain) and failing out of nursing school which I worked extremely hard to get into. Any advice from anyone who has been in my shoes? I have already gotten a head start on my reading which they recommended, but I am still really nervous about whats ahead of me. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is ok to be nervous because you want to be the BEST and there is nothing wrong with that. Enjoy your last few weeks of summer break because it will be a while before you can relax like this again. I am currently a nursing student myself with 5 kids, one of which has special needs. It is going to be rigorous because you are taking in quite a bit of information in a small amount of time and you will be expected to apply that knowledge once you are in clinicals. You made it through your pre-reqs and you will make it through nursing school :wink2:

Congrats on your acceptance

Most of the texts review the associated A&P. You would be surprised how much comes back to you. If you understood "why" things were the way they were, then you will have no problem. Just remember to work on learning the hows and whys rather than rote memorization. It will help you retain and apply the information.

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