Published Sep 29, 2005
2 Posts
:imbar Hello or shall I say, "Howdy"....
If there is anyone out there who could help me with a few questions about starting a home health agency (concentrating on therapy) in Texas, I would surely appreciate it.
I have some info I need (Policies/Procedures) but I need to know if I am going to concentrate on PT, OT, and ST do I HAVE to have a nursing patient to be considered a home health agency?
How long do I have to see clients before I can bill for them?
Do I have to have Medicare and Medicaid before I can get any contracts with Medicaid HMO's?
If there is anyone out there who could help I truly appreciate it.
Also, I will need an alternate DON who will have minimal duties in the office but who I will need to pay a monthly sallary. Any suggestions?
Thanks from Texas
10 Articles; 19,023 Posts
check out:
starting a home care agency starting a home care agency, on the other hand, is a time-consuming endeavor. nahc has assembled information you need to consider before starting an agency ...
starting a home care agency-resources resources for starting a home care agency. federal and state government resources. each state has its own requirements for doing business as a home care
will add more tonight.
renerian, BSN, RN
5,693 Posts
I would call the intermediary in your area about Medicare information and your state program for information on your Medicaid programs. Download the manuals from their sites. You can buy P&P or create them yourself. If you buy them you need to tweek them to meet your state regs. Call OSHA/on line check for that information. You will need to establish education programs and get your CHHA skills check process in place as well as some form of compentency program with an RN to comp them off who is a 1/1 nurse. You will need PPE for your staff. Ensure your computer equipment is hippa compliant. Put a 504 coordinator in place and some form of compliance plan/seek legal advice for that. You'll need contracts/again legal advice and be prepared to float the agency for up to 6 months as your patients under Medicare are freebees for some time. If you download manuals have bunch of binders and even more toner. You will need to have someone who knows ICD9 coding and someone who knows billing, OASIS etc. OBQI is getting larger by the minute.