Published Aug 24, 2014
5 Posts
I am in the process of taking the hesi entrance exam for the second time before my deadline on Oct 1st for Palm beach state college AS program. I scored an 80 the first go around and I am hoping to score higher this time. I would like to know if anyone can give me hints on to what study material i should review for AP. That section was my lowest. I have the 3rd edition hesi book and flashcards on quizlet. Also I am looking to apply to Nova's BSN program as a plan B. Any one have any advice for me? or any other good schools I could apply to?
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
20,908 Posts
I moved your post to the HESI entrance forum. This is a moderated forum so you may see a delay in posts and responses. There is a TON of information here. If you use the search feature in the upper right hand side of the page. Type in HESI entrance tips. You should get a huge result.
739 Posts
Hi Micallia! I am applying to PBSC as well as Nova and one other. To study for the HESI I have been using several different books I got from the library. They are just general nursing entrance exam books. I also use YouTube and KhanAcademy. I also have my old Chemistry and A&P book as well. (I want to get a really high score;) ) Also, Nova now requires the Kaplan test, so that is something completely different. But once you apply, if you get an interview you will be able to take their test that same day. Good Luck to you, and study!
Thank you! I am getting use to this website so sorry for my late response. What other school are you applying to? And have you taken the hesi before?
Thank You!