New RN


Specializes in medical, geriatrics.

I have been a LPN for 6.5 years and I'm currently transitioning from LPN to RN. I graduate in December and already have several job offers. I need advice--the one position I really enjoyed throughout clinicals was pediatrics and now I've been offered a job there. Would it be unwise to go straight to peds as a new RN grad? I did work for 3 years on a medical floor immediately after graduating from LPN program. I can't decide if I should do the medical floor again to build more experience or jump at this opportunity--any suggestions/experiences that could shed light? :uhoh3:

Specializes in Med/Surg.

IMO, there would be nothing wrong with starting out on the Peds unit, if that is what you love. You would still be dealing with medical/surgical issues, but with peds pts. What a great learning experience!

Go where your heart tells you. Sounds like you have some med/surg experience already, which will only be a bonus for you and your employer.

Good luck!

there are many nurses who will suggest gaining med/surg experience for at least a year.

i started out in a specialty, and is where i have remained.

it is a specialty that was very near/dear to me.

if peds is someplace you can see yourself enjoying, then i fully recommend you taking this route.

but, on really bad days, i DO wish i had some med/surg experience.

i would feel a lot more marketable.


Specializes in ER, Occupational Health, Cardiology.

I believe that with 6.5 yrs of previous experience (unless you were not in a clinical setting), and with the "refresher," so to speak of your current clinicals, that I would take the job. Obviously, whoever offered you the position felt that you were qualified for it.

A good place to look for insight is your Clinical Instructor. S(he) was with you on Peds, and elsewhere. They know your strengths and weaknesses better than anyone else. If you trust your CI, ask them if they think you are ready for Peds.

Congratulations on making the transition, and good luck with your career!

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