New to nursing....



I am pretty new to the nursing field... in fact I am not really into it yet...

I am editing my original post, as I initially paid no attention to the rules, and got into some forbidden legal stuff... So I guess I'll just say hello...

I recently enrolled in a short CNA program with the intention of exploring things. This is something I have thought about for years, but kinda put things on the back burner while I tried to mess up my life..... So now I have a few years clean and am trying to start things over. I plan on doing this CNA thing for a while and then maybe working on an RN. If anyone has any input on this strategy that would be great. This is a big exercise in humility for me as I have a pretty good 4yr degree from a pretty good school, and am well beyond the age of the 'typical' student... but I am really excited to get going on a new phase. This is really the first major change I have made since getting sober 3 years ago.. It is a little strange for me to be so geeked about making beds, transferring patients, and what not, but I am... pretty neat eh? As for the legal stuff... I guess I will have to trust....

Specializes in Impaired Nurse Advocate, CRNA, ER,.

Hi Larkin, and welcome.

I think it's a great idea to work as a CNA to get a feel for nursing. I started as an orderly many moons ago.

As for legal "stuff", if you've had legal issues in the past, consult with an attorney who practices administrative law and is experienced with representing nurses facing board investigations or actions against their license. Some states will not allow individuals with certain felony convictions to take the NCLEX. It will be worth the $$ if it keeps you from paying for a degree you can't use.


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