Published Jul 16, 2015
58 Posts
I am a brand new graduate. I have landed a job on a very busy ortho/ med surg floor. My dilemma is the same as all the other new nurses out here. I am slightly overwhelmed. Any advice about how to manage my time better would be greatly appreciated. I usually start with 5ish patients and will have two discharge then get three admissions back from surgery just as an example of a typical day.12 hour shifts are just not long enough and I don't mind working till 8 or 9 to make sure things are done I just wish I was completing tasks in a more efficient way. I know they all say the first year is the hardest and whoever said that was not kidding one bit. I cry almost every single day. I don't sleep much on the week that I work for fear of forgetting something. I replay the day all night in my head. I also feel like I do not know anything..... nursing school taught us a great deal but I feel really unprepared. I ask questions and everyone on this unit is so friendly they are really great I just feel like I should be further along by now. I just want to be the most safe and effective nurse possible. Worked too hard for all this I want to keep this license for a long long time. Thank you so much in advance.
loriangel14, RN
6,931 Posts
How long have you been on the job? Yes the first few months you will feel like you are just barely keeping your head above water. We've all been there. Just be patient with yourself. The first year or so is always a steep learning curve. You are lucky to be on a floor with supportive coworkers. I was lucky in that respect as well. Hang in there and it will get better. Don't be afraid to ask for help and advice. Good luck.
334 Posts
What you're feeling is normal. At least it was for me. I did the same thing. For about the first 8 months, I was obsessed with work. I couldn't even have a good/fun day off because I was dwelling on what I had done at work and making sure I had charted everything I needed to.
How long has it been since you started working?
Just keep asking questions and working on your time management. Make sure you have Liability Insurance (just in case). I've found that working out helps me relieve stress. Find your stress reliever.
Nursing school consumed my whole life and I didn't feel like I even got my life back until about a year after nursing school because I had to relearn who I was outside of nursing. Work on re-discovering yourself. Discover your hobbies again.
And any time you need to talk/vent I'm more than willing to listen. Just PM me.
Wishing you the best! Keep on, keeping on :)
I've been in the job for about a month. Thank you for all your kind words. I hope today is a better day.
Yeah. It's only been a month! Just do your best :)
Oh my a month is pretty new. Hang in there. It will get better. Ortho med surg is a great floor to learn on.