Published Nov 14, 2018
4 Posts
Hi - I'm about to graduate and start looking for work as an RN in California (specifically, LA). I see that there are a lot of programs aimed specifically at new grad nurses, often with a time commitment to the position. Is it feasible to get a position outside these new grad programs, or should I focus on applying for them only? Do regular floors hire new grads?
I'd personally rather apply for a regular position, but most of them require experience - not sure how strictly they adhere to that.
Thanks in advance for your help!
CalicoKitty, BSN, MSN, RN
1,016 Posts
From what I hear, California is a challenge for a new grad to get a job. The new grad program will be your best option out of school. Few hospital units, and probably none near LA will hire a new grad without a new grad program. The time commitments are there, but they can be broken for a payment, or sometimes.
KelRN215, BSN, RN
1 Article; 7,349 Posts
The hospital I worked at as a new grad ONLY hired new grads into the new grad program. If you were a new grad, you had to go through the program. You couldn't just get hired onto the floor and not go through the new grad program.
LA is an extremely competitive market. This site is full of posts of people who had to move because they couldn't get a job in California.