New nurse feeling incompetent


In need for words of encouragement. I am a new LPN of 5 month, I just started my first nursing job a month ago. Which is exciting, but I feel so incompetent. My first job is working in an Express Care clinic and it's like a whole new world for me compared to nursing school. There is a lot that you don't learn in nursing school and I'm trying my best to keep up. Trying to keep an open mind, but the feeling of being incompetent makes me dread going to work. I worked so hard for my LPN and currently working towards my RN, I hope I picked the right profession to go into and it's just the first time jitters for me.

New nurse here as well. Just accepted my first nursing job and feeling the same way?!

If you don't cut yourself some slack!!! I have never met anyone in healthcare who didn't struggle the first couple of years.

Hi! I am also a new grad LVN and will have my first ever nursing job orientation next week. ?

Specializes in LTC, SCI/TBI Rehab,RX Research, Psych.

Oh, my goodness! Y'all are just baby are NOT incompetent. You are BRAND NEW. Give yourselves a break. I've been a LVN/LPN since 1993...and remember feeling like the new kid on the is the time to take all of the areas where you truly SHINED in nursing school...and run with them! I had excellent rapport with my patients from clinicals...I turned that into the opportunity to teach at every opportunity. Dive in...ask to watch others...Remember "see one, do one, teach one"---Don't be afraid to mention to your new coworkers that you are new...and want every opportunity to grow and expand your skills. I was always first to jump up and say, "I wanna do that!"...and a coworker would GLADLY sit back and let me...being content to be on standby if I needed help. I hate to hear/read about this sort of "fear"---DO NOT be the wallflower, here! Dive in...speak with your supervisors or preceptors (whatever they're calling them these days)---and make your desire to "see one, do one, teach one"'ll be rockstars in no time.

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