New Nurse BP

Nurses LPN/LVN


When I am taking BP checks I have a littman and it is hard to hear the heart beat because I hear the interference from something touching the tube or my hand on the bell any ideas?

Specializes in Home health, Addictions, Detox, Psych and clinics..

Is the chest piece turned in the right position?

Specializes in med-surg.

Mine does the same thing I just try to keep my hand as still as I can.

Specializes in Cardiac/Tele.

Try a few different ways of holding it to see what works best. My Littmann picks up my finger joints moving if I'm not careful! Especially if I touch the top of the diaphragm just below the bell. But I practiced holding it "just so", so now I don't have to think about it and I don't hear my loud, crackling fingers anymore, ha... Keep trying, you'll figure out what works for you!

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