Published Sep 30, 2008
222 Posts
I am a new RN at a large hospital. I am up to 3 pts but my nurse manager called me into her office today.
She said she has noticed that I get a bit frazelled and that I can not show that to pts. I thought I was doing well. She said I have been getting everything done but I need to take a deep breath and think things out so I do not show pts that I am nervous.
I am the kind of person that wants to get everything done and that may show to my pts. I was suppose to change to nites in 2 weeks now she want me to stay on first for another 2 weeks after that and stay with 3 pts for another 1.5 wks.
Any advise
44 Posts
First off congratulations! Being a new nurse is very exciting and very scary all at once! Be thankful you have a manager who is actually paying attention! Try and take her advice - take a deep breath and really try and think about what's going on...ask questions..and try to present yourself in a non-frazzzzzelled type of way - easier said then done! It takes time!!! Good luck!
2,040 Posts
I'm in a similar situation. I am up to 5 pts but get frazled with " heavier pts". Like ones getting insulin drips or heparin drips. I am so scared of making a mistake. ( even though I know that no matter how careful you are eventually you make mistakes ) Last night I had an insulin drip on one pt and 2 with NGs, one post op day of surgery total hip replacement and a lap-appy who was very needy. I am hoping that things will smooth out soon too. Good luck!