New job!


I've been a nurse for a few years, and I'm starting a new job in the NICU this week. I've wanted to do NICU for a long time but there weren't the jobs before, so I've been working with adults. I'm so excited to finally get to work with babies, but I'm also getting a little scared after only being with adults recently. Also, it doesn't help when you tell people what unit you're going to and they say, "oh, my! Scary, intense, really sick babies, blah blah blah". Really boosting my confidence here.

Do you have any suggestions to help transition to the NICU? Any resources you recommend looking through?

Specializes in NICU.

I started last year in the NICU. (LOVE IT) I use my S.T.A.B.L.E. as reference along with my Merenstein & Gardner's Handbook. Everytime I come across and interesting case, I crack open my book and read more into it. Best of luck! It's a very rewarding experience.

Specializes in ER, Med Surg, Ob/Gyn, Clinical teaching.



Specializes in L/D 4 yrs & Level 3 NICU 22 yrs.

The NICU is an intimidating place. The patients are often very sick, and families are extremely stressed. So it is good to heave a little bit of healthy fear. It will keep you on your toes. Make sure you have a good relationship with your preceptor, as she/he will be your guide to caring for the tiniest patients. I also recommend the STABLE and Merenstein and Gardner books as resources. Don't try to read M&G from cover to cover, but rather use it as a resource to further your understanding of a patient, such as a baby with PPHN, or NEC, or RDS. Think about your patient as you read the text and integrate what you did with how and why.

Good luck!

Specializes in General Surgery, NICU.
jeyre1847, I am also about to start in a Level 4 NICU after 4 years of adult med/surg experience. Some days I am terrified, but also thrilled to be moving into this specialty!
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