County College of Morris (CCM) Nursing Students - Fall '12

U.S.A. New Jersey


I just wanted to see if there is anyone else out there that is starting the clinical phase of the program and going into NUR121 in about a week's time (OMG - one week!).

I'm excited and anxious, with a healthy sprinkling of terror from time to time. :D

Seriously, though, I'd love to hear from some fellow CCM students! :)

Well I was out of county myself. So you'll probably get in.

thanks.. you given me hope lol

hey there

i need advice

i am taking prerequesting right now and ,i will finish in summer 2013 .Do i need B in all subjec? When i can apply for nursing?

Reasone to ask you that i couldnt make meeting with advisor bcs of my job ,so pl help me

Well if you come out with As in all science classes, then You'll have a good chance of getting into the program for fall 2013. If micro is the only class you have to take during the summer, you'll probably get in. So put your intent in and take the micro in the summer. P.S, I got all A's and my science except for micro., which Itook in the summer. I still got into the fall session. She has a point system that she goes by. 120 is the highest. (30 points per A x 4 science classes)

Hey how did you do your first semester? I start next week and I don't know what to except but can't wait at the same time lol

Hey, I see you got in..CONGRATS!...first semester was A lot of work..but manageable. And I got through it :). Good luck sweetie..gerepka was my advisor, and I love her.


I am in nursing 121

I need to find out how I can prepare for the test in fundamental of nursing?

I am so confuse that which book going to be useful


tell mw how did u do in 1st semester ?

I am in 2014 Jan semester in fundamental of nursing

please help me out if you can

Answer each question and do the definitions on the study guide because you will find them on the test. I also used study reviews for fundamentals. Got a B.

I did my prerequisites and am an LPN hoping to start advanced program soon. Just a few questions... For those in the evening option, what are the general times of class /clinical? And also for the day option, what are the general times?

Thanks everyone! I just sent all my documents and hoping to start in this September or January 2015

Hey I know this is a very old post but just looking for some help. I am finishing pre reqs this semester and will end up with 2 Bs and 2 Cs in sciences. Does anyone know someone who was able to get into nursing like this? I feel like this isn't going to be good enough.

question so even thou the program say to have a minimum of c in science they won't exact you if you do ?

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