Published Jun 5, 2015
4 Posts
Hi there,
I just got hired as a District School Nurse starting in August (I will be in charge of 5 schools) & am so nervous for a multitude of reasons, but I want to ask a question: Why school nursing? (Besides the schedule). Throughout nursing school we were steered toward acute care, so now I'm feeling a psychological struggle that school nursing is not "good enough", even though I know that's not true. I have a feeling that it will fit better with my personality & feed my heart, as opposed to just working for a paycheck. Also, this will be my first job as an R.N.
Thank you for any insight or words of encouragement or advice!!
NutmeggeRN, BSN
2 Articles; 4,704 Posts
Why NOT school nursing? I have been a school nurse for 21 years (RN for 32). It is incredibly satisfying, challenging, hard, fun ....I could go on and on.
Four of this years seniors had complex medical issues that I managed throughout their HS career.
My kids are in remission from ALL, several are type 1 diabetics, IBS, Tourettes, complex seizure disorders, cystic fibrosis, in recovery from a brain tumor...The list goes on and on.
School nursing is a complex specialty practice that incorporates many areas, psych, social work, education, physical therapy, occupational therapy etc
It is challenging and rewarding and heartbreaking on any given day.
best of luck to you.
It is the hardest job I have ever loved.
JenTheSchoolRN, BSN, RN
3,035 Posts
^^yes, I agree, why not school nursing?
I thought about a response I posted to another nurse in this forum who was applying to NP school and felt she'd "lost" her skills as an RN in school nursing:
"I don't know what so many people lament that school nursing means "I've lost all the skills I learned in nursing school." I haven't at all - I just apply them in a different way. So, my patients aren't acute (except for the one that might be and you consider emergency planning prior to ambulance arrival), there are no IV lines (but sometimes there are!), and the number of daily scheduled medications I pass is 16 and they are all PO. I don't start IVs (heck, neither do several of my friends working on urban med-surg floors), but the number of assessments I do is has taught me valuable critical thinking skills. I can assess an asthma kid easily and the amount I've learned about diabetes continues to grow each day. I have no back-up, I have to rely on my own skills. I have become a better health teacher, an invaluable tool for any health care professional. I value my role at the gatekeeper for many kids preventive health care."
That's my piece - I love what I do.
I am in no way belittling school nursing. It sounds much more complex than hospital nursing. The autonomy and the broader range of skills that make it necessary to care for such a diverse array of issues seem to be huge factors. I guess I am just annoyed that people have told me that school nursing is not real nursing & it just sickens me. It's sad that tge people that give the most (public service jobs), work the hardest & make the least, are looked at like that.
I give you all huge props & hope I can hang over the 2015-2016 school year! Thank you for having a forum to turn to for support! Have a wonderfull summer break, for those of you who get it off!!!!
P.S. Does anyone have recommendations on how I can prepare to be a district school nurse with no idea what I'm in for?
Thank you so much!
OP Did not take it as a negative question at all...just asking it as a rhetorical question, that's all!
Best of luck and utilize this forum, and you will get lots of great info!!