New Grad scared to be in L&D


Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

Hey Everyone!! I just got accepted into the residency program here at a local hospital. I graduated in May and I took my boards in July and passed on the first try. I was very fortunate that I was did not have to wait long to get an interview. I must have impressed them in my first interview that they scheduled me for a panel interview for the week after. One of the interviewers asked me where I wanted to work and I choose labor and delivery. I never thought that i would be ever given the option to pick a specialty. I am so excited and nervous at the same time, but I also feel scared at times. Sometimes I can't help but feel that maybe I made the wrong choice by choosing to go into labor and delivery so soon. The reason why I chose nursing was because of a labor and delivery nurse that I had when I was delivering my son. Now 13 years later, I am where I wanted to be. I would be so grateful if you had any tips to share with me to overcome this feeling or how to feel more prepared. Thanks in advance.

God is within her, she will not fail.- Psalms 46:5

Specializes in Critical Care, Postpartum.

As a new grad, starting anywhere will be nerve wracking. Starting in L&D is no different. It will be hard and challenging, but remember this is what you worked so hard for.

Write down what you learned during orientation and review when you get home. Don't be afraid to ask questions and give yourself to grow and hone your skills.

Good luck!

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Specializes in Neuro Intensive Care.

I am in the same boat, but in the NICU. I never thought when they asked me what my passion was, that they would actually give it to me right out of school!

Im just focusing on orientation and asking as many questions as I need to. My hospital has a good new grad program, and they are ready to support me in whatever I need to be successful. They understand that I am a new grad and will not know everything, and I will go in there ready and willing to learn.

Thats all you can do!

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

Thank you!!! :)

God is within her, she will not fail.- Psalms 46:5

Specializes in L&D.

If you weren't feeling nervous, you'd be way overconfident. Remember that as a newby to L&D as well as a new grad, no one will expect you to know it all at first. Place yourself in as many learning situations as you can: ask to check other nurses patients with epidurals who aren't ruptured (so you're not causing increased discomfort or increasing risk of infection), when there is some downtime go on scavenger hunts, ask to start IVs for other nurses, stuff like that. Communicate with your preceptor. Ask how you're doing, what are you getting and what you're not getting yet. Tell her the same thing : what you're feeling good about and what you feel you're not getting. We all felt that way at one time.

Hey , how's it going OP??? I was wondering how has your experience been so far. I am also a new grad in the L& D unit. I am going into my fourth week of orientation on the day shift with all experienced nurses. My confidence is very low:oand there is soooo much information and skills to learn. At times I feel ok and others I question is this really what I want to do. Of course it is I tell myself and that is what keeps me motivated and returning. I will be out of orientation in 8 weeks and don't know how confident I will be to work on my own. Everyone says it will take a year to feel comfortable but I am terrified of the thought of being on my own. Can't wait till this time next year. :saint:

Specializes in Orthopedics, Observation/ED, L&D.

Hey there! I know exactly how you feel! I was not a new grad on L&D though. I switched to Labor and Delivery after 4.5 years of Orthopedics/Bariatrics/Med-Surg! It was quite the difference! I am approaching my two year anniversary on Labor and Delivery. There were and still are times where I feel low in confidence myself. I was terrified to be off orientation and taking patients by myself. I am very fortunate that I work with some awesome nurses. They stepped back and let me do my thing, but the moment I need help, they are right there! If you pay attention to your more experience peers and ask questions (even if you think it is a stupid question), you will learn a lot. I still find myself asking questions all the time. I am sure you will feel comfortable in no time!

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