New Grad RN to the Burn Center! HELP!


Specializes in BICU, STICU, SICU, CCU, NSICU, CTICU....

So I cut it real close with taking my NCLEX on Aug 4th and starting @ a Burn Unit on Aug 14th. And what scares me is that I don't know if I'm cut out for the Burn Center. I feel like it's just the jitters, but these are some BIG jitters. Anyone out there have any tid bits of wisdom that might help me ease my fears?

Specializes in Telemetry, OR, ICU.
So I cut it real close with taking my NCLEX on Aug 4th and starting @ a Burn Unit on Aug 14th. And what scares me is that I don't know if I'm cut out for the Burn Center. I feel like it's just the jitters, but these are some BIG jitters. Anyone out there have any tid bits of wisdom that might help me ease my fears?

I know a little about Burn Centers, from talking to Soldier RNs that have worked on the Burn Unit at Brooke Army Medical Center. However, I've not personally worked in such area. Anyway, these patients have had their first line of defense compromised D/T significant skin damage. Thus, the environment must be kept very warm.

I certainly admire those that specialize in such nursing care. What specific concerns [fears] do you have?

Specializes in BICU, STICU, SICU, CCU, NSICU, CTICU....
I know a little about Burn Centers, from talking to Soldier RNs that have worked on the Burn Unit at Brooke Army Medical Center. However, I've not personally worked in such area. Anyway, these patients have had their first line of defense compromised D/T significant skin damage. Thus, the environment must be kept very warm.

I certainly admire those that specialize in such nursing care. What specific concerns [fears] do you have?

I mainly have one concern which is failing at my job! My GF who is a MICU nurse tells me I am competent enough to take on the task but some how I feel like I will kill my first patient! I know I won't but the fear of being a new nurse scares me! I precepted in the SICU for 8 weeks and I know I can take care of patients but burn patients! am I ready?

Specializes in Trauma/SICU.

i don't personally work in our burn unit, but i do work in trauma/sicu and worked in the micu, which is right next to the burn unit and am friends with several people that work there. they love it. it is a great place to work...they get it all from peds to geriatric from critical to non-critical. you can do it. there is always a sense of fear when you are a new rn and i would worry about you if there wasn't and you thought you knew everything. use your resources and if you don't mesh with your preceptor and feel like you aren't getting a good orientation don't be afraid to go to the manager and request extra time....remember it is about patient safety, as you know. good luck and keep us posted.



I'm a new grad in a burn ICU... and I'm still alive. If you precepted in an SICU, that should be good preparation. Where I work we do peds & adults, and it's great critical care experience because burns affect so many body systems. I could tell you all about burn care... but this post would go on forever! There is a great website,, that has a lot of good information. Be patient and give yourself time to gain experience. It takes time to see and learn how patients go through the process, from fresh burn to being grafted, to hydrotherapy, pain management, discharge needs, all of that. It takes time to get fast at a full body dressing change. Like any critical care area, there's also death and very sad situations. Take care of yourself! You'll pick it up. Before you know it, everything you think is so shocking will become a routine part of your day. It did for me. Good luck!

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