New Grad on Ortho Floor

Specialties Orthopaedic


Hey everyone : )

Brand new nurse (as a 2nd career), and I was just hired on an ortho floor (lots of hips, knees, and​ spine), and I am looking for suggestions on books about orthopedic nursing....

Any recommendations would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Specializes in Cath/EP lab, CCU, Cardiac stepdown.
whooops, its been like my 2nd day and they started giving me patients to do by myself while my preceptor just watch. FIrst day I got 5 patients with 2 discharge. Second day, I got 4 patients, 3 discharge and 4 admits... yeah.. FML. and holly cow do I feel retarded. I dont know how to do anything. so i constantly come back and forth asking my preceptor questions. I was stuck 2hrs after work to finish my charting. our computer charting system sucks and so tedious. I don't mind them training me this way actually, pressure makes diamond. I'm learning a lot, even though i stay there for 14hrs , I don't get a headache because I kinda do enjoy doing the clnical skills, I just wish i was more fluent with my skills because I don't know jack. Lets see how I do with last week next week. Overall, I feel so stupid ahha, I was so afraid of asking questions; but i thought to my self "IDGAF, the time to ask stupid questions and make mistakes is now". OVerall, I definitely know I can work a lot more efficiently once I get all my nursing skills down and fluent. GOOD LUCK TO ME AND YOU!

While I commend you on your hard work and positive attitude at adversity, please refrain from using the "r" word in such a context. It can be construed as distasteful and offensive, especially in a profession such as ours.

The first year is going to be hard especially if you have a short orientation. It is good that you are being positive about turning it into s learning experience rather than wallowing in defeatism on being over worked.

Like other posters have stated, Don't be afraid to ask questions and if necessary ask for help. Don't ever be afraid to ask for help if you need it because otherwise you may be compromising patient care.

Good luck and keep up the good work!

Hang in there! Sounds like you're in rough situation. But remember keep yourself safe! Its your license and liability that is on the line. You are advocating for your patients safety, by taking care of your safety needs as well.

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