New Grad NP Salaries - PA, NJ, NY


Hello everyone, I am an ICU nurse beginning NP school. Debating between Family and Acute currently. In my area, Northeast Pennsylvania, I was told to expect to start around low 90,000. As an ICU RN right now, I'm currently at $65,000 unless I pick up extra shifts.

I have a friend working in Acute Care (days and nights) making about $110,000

I also know someone working in family making $94,000 with quarterly bonuses for productivity

I'd like to have an idea where I can negotiate a salary when the time comes. Also, does everyone do about 40 hours a week typically?

New grad fnp. Started at 98k

Specializes in CTICU.

ACNP. Pittsburgh. 40hrs, 4 x 10hr days. No nights, weekends or holidays. >100k. I have a lot of varied experience and work in a specialty.

Most of the ACNPs I hired as new grads for surgical specialty (working on floor with post surgical patients) here in Pittsburgh started at $35-40/hr.

Family NP working urgent care. NP for 4 years make $135,000/year

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