new grad needs advice


Specializes in neuro/ortho med surge 4.

Hi All,

I live in NH and have applied to all of the local hospitals. I worked as an LNA in one of the hospitals I applied for. I have not heard anything even after calling the HR office to follow up. I know at least half of my classmates have positions already. I am wondering if all of the new grad positions have been filled already and if I should apply to a nursing home to at least get experience (I do love the elderly) or if I should wait a couple of months and reapply to the hospitals as the market will not be so saturated with new grads then.

I don't think the NEast is having quite the nursing shortage the rest of the country is having.

Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.



I too am having a hard time finding a job. I have sent multiple applications to all the hospitals and have even gone to 4 of them to see if I could talk to a nurse recruiter. I spent my whole day doing that, and didn't get to speak to one person!!!!!

I finally got a call from one hospital and have an interview on Tuesday, but their new nurse program doesn't start until June 30. I'm excited because it's the hospital I want to work at, but I just hope we can make it financially until then.

If you have multiple nursing schools that graduated at the same time (like we have), then it may be that the market is saturated right now. If you can swing it financially and still need to take the NCLEX, you could use the time to prepare for boards, then try to reapply later. I think a nursing home would be fine if that is what you are interested in.

Specializes in Maternity, quality.

sistasoul, I am in NH, too. One thing I have found is that most hospitals are hiring their own current employees first (i.e. LNAs, unit secretaries, etc. who are graduating from nursing school). A lot of them will wait until they go through their internal pool before they open up the remaining positions to outside applicants. This may explain why you haven't heard anything yet. I've also found that networking is a huge tool in the process.

I am not sure from your post if you are currently employed as an LNA, but if so, leverage your connections there. If you still have contact with old supervisors/nursing managers, I would suggest calling them up directly and asking about positions, too. Even if they don't have something they may be able to put you in contact with a colleague who does. Did you have to do a practicum as part of your program? If so I would suggest talking to the unit manager of the floor you were on to see if they have openings or can help you make connections with other areas that do. This seems to be the way most of my classmates have gotten their jobs.

I know it's frustrating to be on the search in this area. I wish you the best of luck!

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